Partner with us!
The People's Archive of Rural Ontario is all about building and sustaining relationships and collaborative partnerships between a diversity of people, groups, and initiatives. If you'd like to work with us, we'd love to hear from you!
You are an individual
We are always open to collaborating with passionate individuals, students, volunteers, and others to help us collect, write, and share stories about rural Ontario.
You are an organization
We strongly depend on our community partners for connections to different stories. If you are an organization, community group, or another initiative that supports local communities in rural Ontario, we would be happy to see how we can work together.
You are a local business or enterprize
We are always looking to connect with local businesses that are based in and support rural communities across Ontario. If you are a local company or enterprize based in rural Ontario, and are interested in sharing your story, feel free to reach out to see how we might be able to collaborate.
You are a donor
It takes a lot of time, people, and resources to develop and sustain an archive like PARO's. Although we have been granted some funds to get this archive off the ground, we will certainly need more support to keep this initiative going into the future. If you believe in PARO's mission and are in a position to contribute, we would gladly welcome any generosity and support.